Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010: Simon and Garfunkel - The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin Groovy)

Simon and Garfunkel - The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin Groovy):

Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits album was the first album I ever fell in love with.

In retrospect I'm glad for such a thing. It's mostly well written songs, good production, easily accessible. Even when it's corny I can't help but agree with it. Feelin Groovy? Bit outdated, but yes, I am now.

I feel lately that the city is making me rush every day. When I'm not running around I'm planning things that will make me run around. It's a life I've chosen and it's the perfect city for running around and doing in a hurry.

But I might need to slow down. A friend commented lately on how I have a "southern swagger" about me, which I found both endearing and concerning. Where I come from, growing up, people tended to have a bad American South complex; cars, "hick" accents (you can find this accent anywhere you go, it's not specific to anywhere in North America but tends to draw from the American South), country music, NASCAR, etc. This was the worst of it, of course it wasn't everywhere, but those whose American South complex showed were extravagant. Big cars, loud mouthed, tried and true hicks and proud. I had a problem with this because we were not Americans, we were not Southerners, we were in a small town and bored. It's something to relate to, I think, but not adopt.

But I do like the concept of the southern swagger. And granted I do wear cowboy boots. And I like cars and country music.

I'm a product of my environment and I do my best with it.

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